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Student Interest Form

Student Interest Form

Welcome!  Thank you for your interest in the ATLAS Fellows program.  Please enter your name and contact information below, and we will get back to you shortly.  

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Fellow spotlight

Jacqueline Neishabouri

Wesleyan University


Jacqueline Neishabouri

I became an ATLAS Fellow to continue learning about finance and building upon what my parents have started in this country. My parents did not attend college, so I know that it is very important for me to do well. I want to show my younger brothers that they can also go to a competitive college and earn a spot in programs like ATLAS. The ATLAS program has also really helped me connect with other young adults who are interested in similar careers and goals and go to rigorous colleges and universities.

Kevin Serrano

DePaul University

Economics & Finance

Kevin Serrano

I became an ATLAS Fellow because my future career aspiration is to become a corporate lawyer working in finance. ATLAS will help me obtain valuable work experience in the field and support my journey through college. ATLAS gave me the ability to showcase my efforts and challenged me to grow in professional settings. As a child of immigrant parents from Mexico, I want to influence people in similar circumstances to persevere and seek every opportunity available to them.

Valerie Stevenson

University of Utah


Valerie Stevenson

I became an ATLAS Fellow because I want to prove to my parents that the sacrifices they made were for something. This opportunity is a great start to my future success in a finance career, and with all the help from the amazing people that support me through ATLAS, I truly believe that I will be able to make my parents proud. This program has helped me chase my goals, and it has given me the opportunity to be able to attend my dream college and pursue my ideal life.